Piece(d) Work


Gillian Lowndes | Tenant of Culture

Opening Preview Saturday 10th September 2022, from 5-8 pm
The exhibition continues until 23rd October
Open Saturday-Sunday, 12-5 pm, and by appointment: hello@ivorytars.co.uk

It was once observed that ‘in the process of production, human beings work not only upon nature, but also upon one another.’ In other words, this is a chain of interactions in which we find ourselves interlinked. ‘Raw material’ has already been the subject of human labour. In order to be of use, it has to first be excavated or grown, rendered or refined, packaged and transported. Only then can a product be fabricated from those constituent elements.

The utility of such products is finite. They might become depleted through repeated use, or find themselves surplus to the vagaries of consumer demand. In either instance, these discarded objects become a sedimentary layer of human activity –an archaeological record of past social relations. Or, a corpus of inanimate things, dreaming of fresh purpose.

Ivory Tars would like to thank the Estate of Gillian Lowndes, The Sunday Painter and Soft Opening for their kind assistance.

This exhibition has been generously supported by a grant from the Dutch Embassy in the UK.

Images: Tenant of Culture, Installation view Post-Digital Intimacy, 2021, National Gallery Prague, Photo: Katarína Hudačinová; Gillian Lowndes, Small Collage with Puffball, 1994.

Ivory Tars
20 Albert Road
Glasgow G42 8DN